Other Ingredients
Coconut MCT Oil
Medium-chain triglycerides are small fat molecules that are easier to digest. They can be absorbed into the bloodstream quickly and can turn into easily accessible energy.
- Source of antioxidants that help protect against oxidative cell damage
- Doctors may prescribe a diet with more MCT Oil for people that have trouble digesting other kinds of fat
Found In
Coconut MCT Oil is usually found in the meat of coconuts.
Synergy with Other Actives
Lysine and Vitamin C are essential to the formation of collagen. Collagen is a protein that helps support and give structure to skin and bones
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Omega-3 (ALA)
Essential fatty acid necessary for normal human growth and development. They are important components of cell membranes throughout the body. They are also needed to make hormones that regulate blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of artery walls.
- Helps decrease heart risk by helping in the maintenance of normal heart rhythm and pumping
Found In
Omega-3 (ALA) is usually found in walnuts, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, and some animal fat (grass-fed animals).
Synergy with Other Actives
The combination of Omega-3 and B vitamins may help improve brain function (learning and memory).
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Gamma-aminobutyric Acid (GABA) is an amino acid that reduces activity of the central nervous system by inhibiting nerve transmission.
- Helps to temporarily promote relaxation
Found In
GABA is ususally found in spinach, sweet potato, kale, and broccoli.
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Lysine is an essential amino acid, a building block of protein, our bodies cannot make it on it's own, and therefore we need to obtain it from our diet.
- Essential amino acid for the maintenance of good health
- Involved in muscle protein synthesis
- Helps in collagen formation
Found In
L-lysine is found in protein-rich foods (meat, milk, cheese, fish, eggs, tofu, soybeans, kidney beans and chickpeas). Plant-based foods are generally known as being poor sources of lysine, however quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat contain a substantial amount.
Synergy with Other Actives
Lysine and Vitamin C are essential to the formation of collagen. Collagen is a protein that helps support and give structure to skin and bones
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Melatonin is a natural hormone that synchronizes the circadian rhythm and the sleep-wake cycle. When there is darkness melatonin levels rice, which induce physiological changes that promote sleep (decreased body temperature and respiration rate).
- Helps reset the body's sleep-wake cycle (aspect of the circadian rhythm) and increase the total sleep time (aspect of sleep quality) in people suffering from sleep restriction or altered sleep schedule (e.g. shift work and jet lag)
Found In
Melatonin is usually found in pineal gland of mammals.
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L-Theanine is an amino acid responsible for modulating aspects of brain function.
- Helps to temporarily promote relaxation
Found In
L-theanine is usually found in green and black tea and some mushrooms (Xerocomus badius).
Synergy with Other Actives
L-theanine and caffeine may help increase focus and attention.